Monday, 21 May 2012

Dark Shadows, dir Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Michelle Pfeiffer, Chloe Moretz

Blood-curdling!.....Take it on the rise: vampires, curses, the Adams family, hallucinogenic 70s, with sharp, cliff-face promontories….The film doesn’t take itself seriously and invites you not to do the same…..Homage to the B movie horrors with buckets, buckets and buckets of blood, reluctant vampire Barnabas Collins is released after two centuries from a chained coffin. He meets his descendants in the run-down family pile  and sets about restoring the family business – canned fish – to its former glory…..Running through his veins is the curse of the she-devil…...Everybody camps up in this movie. It is shot and conceived in excess, so you either go with it or you don’t….Wicked performances by Burton veterans Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, while popular newcomer, Chloe Moretz, is a convincing teenage uber-slayer, transformed into a werewolf……Dark Shadows is a diversion, with cameo moments by Alice Cooper, lava lamps, which underscore Burton’s affectionate, nostalgic  retro-70s, neon look……