Thursday, 20 October 2011

Review: Film

Midnight in Paris dir Woody Allen, Rachel Mc Adams, Owen Wilson, Kathy Bates, Michael Sheen

Beautiful. Clever, full of romance and witty invention. Americans in Paris, some fall in love others remain on stony ground, as screenwriter, Gil, realises the shortcomings in his relationship with his fiancĂ©e, through a magical, midnight spree into Paris in the roaring twenties. Here he meets American ex-pats F Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda, Hemingway, and is critiqued by Gertrude Stein, Picasso, Dali. The film is a take on nostalgia, art, existentialism and sees Allen in brilliant, dazzling form. Owen Wilson as Gil is Allen monque, complete with voice rhythms, indecision, stooped-shuffle and the characteristic throwaway, dead-pan lines that slice pastrami. It’s beautifully shot, with some sparkling recreations, including a spell in la belle epoque, the Moulin Rouge where the champagne just flows and flows…….yet while nostalgia is centre stage it has for now as the black and cream Bugati pulls up and the chimes strike midnight........

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